On Monday, January 8, 2024, the Flagler Beach Police Department release the results of their 2023 Toys for Tickets Program.
“From November 22, 2023 through December 31, 2023, our Police Officers issued a total of five-hundred and thirty-seven (537) written warnings (in forty (40) days) in support of the holiday safety campaign,” said Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney via social media.
“This total was seven (7) written warnings short of 2022’s total, and the efforts by all of our Officers is greatly appreciated. The “Toys for Tickets” campaign is an annual “Pay if Forward” winter holiday safety program that utilizes each Officers discretion by educating motorists with written warnings vs. citations during the holiday season,” he said.
“This year’s campaign resulted in incredible support from our community and all of the toys donated during 2023’s initiative were delivered to the Elves at Christmas Come True, Inc. The abundance of toys were distributed to families in Flagler County during the holidays, and the community’s generosity will also afford Christmas Come True, Inc. the opportunity to have birthday presents for needy children’s this year. KUDOS Flagler… great job!”
Information courtesy of the Flagler Beach Police Department Facebook page.