As world-class entertainers and Grand Ole Opry inductees who have worked with the who’s who of the music industry, their humble approach to performing allows the audience to immerse themselves in the gospel music and artistry of this iconic band. Grammy-nominated, The Isaacs will take the stage at The Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center on January 11, 2025 at 7 PM. Tickets are available at the box office or here.

Thank you to Lily and Sonya Isaac for graciously taking the time to share their thoughts on behalf of The Isaacs.

The Big Five Q&A with The Isaacs

What has been the most memorable part of entertaining audiences over the 50-year career of The Isaacs? 

The most memorable part of standing in front of audiences, is to see them laugh with us, cry with us and worship with us. This is the way we make lifelong friends.

Does the group have a favorite song and will it be performed at our show?

Our most requested Isaacs song is collectively our favorite as well, “It Is Well With My Soul”.  We have been blessed to perform this old hymn on so many platforms and memorial services. I am sure we will be performing this song in the show!

What is it like working with your family and having the opportunity to collaborate with fellow music legends like Reba, Dolly Parton, and Paul Simon? 

It is so wonderful to be able to work with our family. Of course, it comes with challenges. Although, we do not always agree on everything, we try to work as a democracy. We make decisions by taking votes, and the majority wins! That allows everyone to be heard and appreciated.

It is always a career highlight when we get the privilege to work with some of our heroes. Over the years we have sang on recordings with musical legends like Reba, Dolly, Paul Simon and so many more. It is a true complement to be asked to work with artists that have influenced us over the years.

What can we expect during the show? (songs, energy, stories, etc.?) 

When The Isaacs write our set list for the concert each night, we like to keep in mind the audience we are singing to. We all come to the show with our own set of challenges that we have had to conquer that week. Many come to just get away from all the stresses of the day-to-day life, to enjoy some fellowship and a few hours of music.  With that said, we try to sing songs of love, life, and hope. We may laugh together, and we may even cry a little together.  The end goal is to give our audience a chance to escape all the hard trials of the week, and leave feeling uplifted, ready to take on another day.

Deeply rooted in your faith, how has God used your family’s talents to share his word, inspire others and provide hope over the decades? 

We have traveled the world, lifting up the name of Jesus, and telling our personal stories of how we have overcome so many obstacles in our own lives. We have found that if we allow ourselves (The Isaacs) to be transparent with our audience, then the audience can identify with us. When the concert is over, it brings us so much joy to hear the stories of our new friends and how our music has helped them through hard times. And that’s what it’s all about.