Tuesday, July 9th, is our SBA Lunch n Learn, where you can learn more about Registering Your Business in SAM.gov, plus learn about system updates on certifications and more!! Our guest speaker is SBDC Alabama’s Cordero Young, Procurement Specialist at the APEX Accelerator of Alabama, located on the Alabama State University campus.

If you didn’t know, the Government fiscal year begins in October, and now is the time you want to get your business lined up to be prepared for the new contract rollouts! Don’t be left wondering how you can increase your revenue with government contracts; register for free and get ahead of the ball!

This is an excellent opportunity to set your whole team up with lunch and learn together how to get government contracts ready!!

Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/reg…/WN_Qy-nHydVTiKRUDxYbM3imA