On January 15, 2025, during a General Assembly at the Portuguese American Cultural Center (PACC) in Palm Coast, the new board of directors for 2025 has taken the office. In December 2024, two candidacy lists were presented, with the list below being the elected. One of the most active clubs in Palm Coast, PACC will be celebrating 37 years of existence this year. Wishing the new Board a year full of successes.
The full Board of Directors for 2025:
General Assembly: President-Márcio Oliveira, Vice-President-Luis Miguel Ferreira, Secretary-Ricardo Neves
Board of Directors: President-Manuel Goulart, Vice-Presidents-Manuel Ramalho, Manuel Cerqueira, Jose Silva and Celia R. Pedro, Treasurers-Melissa Fernandes and Ester Cerqueira,
Secretaries- Evonne Ligeiro, Lucy Kelly, and Elizabete Fernandes
Fiscal Council: President-Tony Brito, Vice-President-Odília Amaral, Secretary- Nina Sousa
General Directors: António Cruz, Hermes Pedro, Joaquim Rodrigues, Nelson Tereso, Maria R. Silva, and Tina Brito.
Disciplinary Council: Kenny Gonçalves, Paulo Amaral and Paulo Rodrigues
The Portuguese American Cultural Center (PACC) of Palm Coast is located at 1200 Palm Harbor Parkway. To become a member, to book an event, or for more information about scheduled activities, please visit www.palmcoastportugueseclub.com or call 386-446-3910.