FLAGLER BEACH, Fla. (September 11, 2024)Knights of Columbus Notre Dame Council # 10514 held their twenty-third September 11th Remembrance Ceremony at Veteran’s Park in honor of the almost 3,000 people killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Program Chairman and Master of Ceremonies for the event was Knights of Columbus Past Grand Knight and Former District Deputy, Kevin Ryan.

Kevin Ryan. Photo: Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council 10514.

Former Air Force Military Chaplain, Fr. Ken Beale, gave the opening Benediction.  Fr. Beale is a New York City native and related how he called his parents from this active-duty station in Utah on the morning of September 11th. They gave him a first-hand account of what could be clearly seen of the World Trade Center towers from their apartment balcony. He was on the phone with them when the second plane struck the second tower. He later led the attendees in the ‘Prayer of St. Francis’ and also offered the closing prayers for the ceremony.

Fr Ken Beale. Photo: Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council 10514.

Joseph DePalma was this year’s guest speaker. On September 11th, he was called from his home in New Jersey to assist the First Responders in setting up lighting, ensuring electrical grids were safe, as well as working to seal off the labyrinth of plumbing lines. He also assisted in the removal of the bodies of the deceased at Ground Zero. He related how there was a sense of reverence that took place as all of those present worked to look for survivors after the tragic event.

Joe DePalma. Photo: Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council 10514.

The Corpus Christi Assembly 2810 Fourth Degree Color Corp members served as honor guards for the ceremony. The Matanzas High School J.R.O.T.C. Color Guard posted the American Flag and the Florida State Flag at the event. Retired uniformed members of the New York City Police and Fire Departments were present along with a number of First Responders from the Flagler County area. Local dignitaries present included Flagler Beach Mayor Patti King, Commissioner Jane Mealy, and Police Chief Matthew Doughney. Program Chairman Ryan thanked the city officials for their continued support and assistance in setting up the annual event.

9-11 Memorial Attendees. Photo: Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council 10514.

A special ‘Blue Mass’ was celebrated at Santa Maria del Mar Catholic Church by Fr. Ken Beale, assisted by Deacon Bob Krol, for all current and past members of the military, police officers, firefighters, and first responders.

Matanzas ROTC Photo: Notre Dame Knights of Columbus Council 10514.