Can you can make the difficult decisions others avoid, take all the blame, give away all the credit, let everyone feel safe to speak even against your ideas, allow others to make many decisions, pour yourself into others to ensure their success, and embrace valid criticism improving when you should?

Can you accept being criticized unfairly, focusing first and always on the team and mission not yourself, never being thanked, or recognized for success but definitely being blamed for failure, and never let it truly bother you for a minute more?

You’ll lose your chance to avoid responsibility and criticism. You can’t lose your temper, feel self-pity, or hold personal grudges. You can never take personal offense.  You can’t ever indulge your ego or use your position or influence for self-gain.  You’ll have to admit your mistakes.

You can’t expect thanks, claim credit, or seek awards or applause. You can never lie or be arrogant.  You’ll never get to be the hero or the victim.  You can’t ever blame others. You can’t hide or play it safe.  Because no one will follow you if you do.

Leaders win the opportunity to selflessly serve. We win the victory of leading a life for purposes far greater than ourselves.

We win by making the hopes, dreams, and problems of others our own. We win the chance to help improve life for families, customers, organizations, and communities.

We get to grow leaders because we love it most when others win.  We succeed through aiding in the success of others. We win when the mission is achieved and the team succeeds.  We win only when others win. We only get by giving.

If you can do this, you can lead.


From the Teacher: Leadership Lessons with Dr. Saviak is a weekly column with the esteemed Joseph C. Saviak, Ph.D., J.D., M.A., M.S., Management Consulting & Leadership Training.

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