PALM COAST, Fla. – Starting off the summer right, five-year-old Bobby Barrow decided to put his free time to good use, cooling off the community while providing a boost to a local charity according to mom Stephanie Barrow.
“The other day we were talking about him starting a little summer business (while football is out) so we decided a lemonade stand would be perfect for him,” she said.

“(I told him) if we do it, we want to also help our community and share some of the proceeds. I gave him a few charities to choose from and he decided with Christmas Come True because he wants all kids to get Christmas presents.
Today he has $100.50 set aside to give to Christmas Come true on Monday,” she said with pride.
Attracting attention on social media from friends and customers of young Bobby’s parents Robert and Stephanie Barrow, the couple own Sunshine State Heating & Air Conditioning in Flagler County, there were plenty of friendly faces stopping by to visit with the young entrepreneur.
“The Punishers came by and all got lemonades and even let him sit on a bike for a fun photo, that was so amazing & special,” said Stephanie.

In anticipation for the demand, Stephanie and Bobby juiced 24 pounds of lemons the night before.
“He didn’t stop until the very end because lemonade stands are serious business,” she said.
Proud of her son and his tenacity, Stephanie was even more proud of her community for coming out to help support her son’s efforts.
“It was a very special day and lots of quality time with family and so many awesome friends stopped by to show their support,” she said. “Even the founder of Christmas Come True stopped by for some raspberry lemonades and that was really sweet.”