PALM COAST, Fla. – Starting the ceremony with an ode to freedom, elected officials paid tribute to America with a reading of the Declaration of Independence. It’s not the first reading of the founding document in public at a Flagler County or Palm Coast event, but each and every time its read, it’s like the first time.

Powerful words created what has become the greatest nation on Earth, and for just one day, those in attendance were willing to put aside politics and petty differences to appreciate the freedom and liberties American citizens enjoy.
For Flagler County Judge Melissa Distler, the reading is an opportunity to reflect.

“I find that it’s nice to really reflect upon the importance of the Declaration of Independence. I like participating in this event to have that opportunity to reflect and remember what our forefathers went through and brought us here,” said Distler.
Flagler County Commissioner Andy Dance looks at the reading as a reminder of the responsibility each American has to live up the founding principles of those who came before us.
“Today, first of all is a great example of the hard work we’ve been putting in to get all of our communities to work together,” said Dance.

“Tonight, everybody’s come together to put on this celebration and I think we all need to take time to give thanks of blessings to be in this great nation, the best nation in the world. It’s a great opportunity to do that.”
Reading a portion of the Declaration of Independence, afterward Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly was proud to share his ancestry, dating back to the Declaration of Independence and Revolutionary War.

“Part of my family history, my ninth-generation cousin William Hooper signed the Declaration of Independence and served in the Continental Congress. My ninth-generation great-great grandfather was a Brigadier General in the American Revolution reporting to General Washington. All that’s documented. I’m a Son of the American Revolution, Flagler Chapter,” shared Staly proudly.
“So, in an indirect way, I get to carry on my family’s heritage as an elected sheriff that started way back when they signed the Declaration of Independence. It’s just amazing to have that opportunity.”
Culminating with families under the dark skies with picnic blankets and folding chairs along the runway of the Flagler Executive Airport, the day’s collaborative event is indicative of a larger effort to see local governments extend an olive branch and work together according to Palm Coast City Manager Denise Bevan.

“I’m here on this most exciting day where we’re united on this fourth and we’re all coming together. It’s super amazing,” said Bevan. “The collaboration is seamless. We’re all here to bring the best and the greatest to Flagler County together.”
Building relationships has created a positive working environment, allowing the municipalities to share best practices and expertise.
“Right here I’m looking at Dr. Jackson, City of Bunnell’s city manager, and he’s phenomenal. He actually come into our leadership and mentoring some of our future leaders inside the City of Palm Coast, and that’s happening throughout the county, so we appreciate stepping up and being the leaders that we know we are and bringing the biggest benefit to our county,” she said.
Other elected officials, like Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin shared those same sentiments before heading off to dinner at High Jackers and settle in to watch the fireworks.
“Today is an example of how everyone in our community, everyone in our city, everyone in our county, everyone in our state, everyone in our country can actually participate in the freedom that our Independence Day represents,” said Alfin.
“Just by listening to the words and understanding that these words were written hundreds of years ago it’s amazing to me that they remain intact today, and we should be proud of every single person who showed up here today.”
As part of the daylong United Flagler 4th festivities which began with the Stars & Stripes Parade in Flagler Beach, it was full circle. As the newly installed president of the Rotary Club of Flagler Beach, Flagler Executive Airport director and retired U.S. Marine, Roy Sieger appreciated the opportunity to close out the day’s history-making celebration.
“This is awesome. What a great day for everybody to get united, celebrate America’s Independence Day here at the Flagler Executive Airport,” said Sieger. “Guests are having a good time and it’s a great place to have community events.”