Calling all local photographers to help showcase Flagler in photos for the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) calendar contest. If your picture is selected it will be highlighted in the annual FAC calendar. “Skylines of the Sunshine State” submissions can include Energetic Skylines, Architectural Marvels, Waterfront Views, Beautiful Tree Canopies, according to FAC contest rules. “Whether your county is rural or urban, we want to see your county in the visual celebration of the sunshine state.”
Entry requirements are as follows:
• Theme – “Skylines of the Sunshine State.”
• MUST BE SHOT IN FLAGLER COUNTY (it is helpful if the location is identified).
• Photos must be at least 3000 pixels / 300 DPI and in .JPEG format (horizontal format for calendar).
• Photos with logos, names, time and date stamps, or watermarks will not be accepted.
• Flagler County deadline is August 14 (Monday) so that the county can get them prepared for submission and submitted.
• Submit to
A submission attests to the fact that the photographer/submitter has all rights and permissions to the photo (and for the images/likenesses of any identifiable people) and is allowing Flagler County to submit the photo in the 2024 Florida Association of Counties 11th Annual Photo Contest, as well as for other county uses, none of which are for profit. Please include the following with the submission:
“I, (full name), hereby certify that the attached photo is the original work of the entrant. It is also understood that Flagler County will have the right to reproduce, publish and/or exhibit the work in any format including newspapers, brochures, the county website, or Facebook and other social media pages. It is further understood that Flagler County assumes no responsibility or liability for any submitted work.”