JACKSONVILLE, Florida (June 21, 2024) – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District, invites the public to attend a presentation and open discussion ahead of initial construction of the Flagler County Coastal Storm Risk Management beach project.
The presentation begins at 6 p.m. next Tuesday, June 25, at the Santa Maria del Mar Church, 915 N. Central Ave. in Flagler Beach. USACE staff experts will discuss the engineering, environmental and construction elements of the project, take questions and chat informally with the public.
City of Flagler Beach and Florida Department of Transportation officials will also present updates on the Flagler Beach Fishing Pier rehabilitation project, and related secant wall construction and repaving of SR A1A.
No registration or reservation is necessary. All are welcome, please join us!
For more information on the Flagler Beach CSRM project, go to https://www.saj.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Shore-Protection/Flagler-County/