Hello, fellow anglers! Captain Adam Morley here, bringing you the latest fishing report from the Matanzas River. It’s been a challenging week with the wind wreaking havoc on most anglers, making it tough to get out and enjoy the water. However, for those who have braved the conditions, there have been some rewarding catches, primarily flounder, redfish, jacks, and bluefish.


(Janine from Genung’s Fish Camp with a Bluefish)

Water temperatures are fluctuating between the low to mid-80s, depending on the tide and depth. These warmer temperatures can make fishing a bit tricky, but with the right techniques, you can still reel in some great catches. In late June, targeting fish requires a bit of patience and strategy.

For flounder, focus on creek mouths, drop-offs, and inlets. Live baits like mud minnows and finger mullet are excellent choices. If you prefer artificial lures, soft plastics on a jig head work wonders, especially when bounced slowly along the bottom. Look for areas with sandy or muddy bottoms where flounder like to hide.

Redfish are actively feeding around grass lines, pinch points, and over oyster bars during high tides. Topwater lures can be very effective in these conditions, creating a lot of surface commotion that attracts redfish. As the tide drops, switch to subsurface lures like jerkbaits or live shrimp under a popping cork.

Jacks and bluefish are plentiful and can provide some exciting action. These aggressive feeders are often found in deeper channels and around structure. Fast-moving lures like spoons and plugs are great for jacks, while bluefish can’t resist a shiny, fluttering spoon.

As always, I urge everyone to practice responsible fishing. Keep only what you need and release the rest. The health of our waterways and fish populations depends on our conservation efforts. By using barbless hooks and handling fish with care, we can ensure that future generations can enjoy the thrill of fishing in our beautiful Matanzas River.

Stay safe out there, respect the water, and tight lines to all!

Hey there, anglers! Chris from Skinny Water Lures here with your weekly fishing report. The tides are still running high, with moderate winds and those pesky afternoon showers making an appearance. With the scorching summer heat, the fish are adapting their feeding habits to beat the heat.
As a result, the best fishing times are early morning and late evening when the water is coolest. That’s when the predators come out to play, and you’ll find them focusing their feeding efforts during these periods to conserve energy. When it comes to targeting these finicky fish, you’ll want to focus on the deeper holes and canals where they can stay cool and comfortable.
And speaking of comfort, the topwater bite continues to be the highlight of the day. We’re seeing a lot of action using those trusty topwater lures, and what’s key is making multiple casts in the same area to entice those strikes. Just remember, those fish are selective, so don’t be afraid to move around until you find the right spot.
On a side note, we’re still getting reports of juvenile tarpon cruising through the old Sea Ray canal, feasting on live mullet or large paddle tail lures. If you’re targeting these aerial acrobats, make sure you’re equipped with a solid rod and reel setup. We recommend a medium-heavy rod paired with a 4000 series or larger reel, spooled with 30lb or larger braid and a 40lb or larger monofilament leader.
And don’t forget to keep an eye on that weather radar, folks! Summer storms can pop up quickly and catch you off guard. Stay safe, stay alert, and tight lines!
That’s all for now from Skinny Water Lures. We’ll catch you on the flip side!