Malisha Moise (11th Grade FPCHS Entrepreneurship Student)
Faith Eller (11th Grade FPCHS Entrepreneurship Student)
Dr. Corinne Schaefer, FPCHS Entrepreneurship Teacher, OJT Coordinator, and CTE Department Chair
Adam Blair, Curriculum Specialist-Career and Technical Education, Flagler County Schools
Palm Coast, FL (February 15, 2022) – Flagler Technical College (FTC) and Flagler County Schools
(FCS) highlighted their combined thirty-seven Career and Technical Programs during the Flagler County School Board Meeting on Tuesday evening. FTC and FCS are focused on helping prepare students entering the workforce in high demand fields by offering secondary and postsecondary programs which include industry certifications.
College program successes were highlighted through statistics presented by Renee Stauffacher,
Director of FTC, and with a testimonial video of current FTC students. Flagler Palm Coast High School CTE students and teachers proudly presented their projects and successes to the School Board members.
Renee Stauffacher said, “We are excited to celebrate Career and Technical Education month at Flagler Technical College. There are 48 technical colleges throughout the state offering more than 220 technical programs embracing Governor DeSantis’ goal of making Florida the number one state in the nation for workforce education by year 2030.”
FTC served 650 students last school year in 15 Career and Technical. FTC also performed above state averages with an 84% completion rate, a 91% placement rate, and a 100% licensure rate throughout their CTE programs. Flagler County Schools served over 3000 students throughout 66 career themed courses offering 22 industry recognized credentials.
Jobs in construction, health care, human services, education, transportation, distribution, and logistics help to build and sustain the necessary resources in our community. Career and Technical Education provides the opportunities for community members to obtain jobs in these high demand fields. Flagler Technical College is proud to offer the opportunities to our students to be ready to enter the workforce with the skills, knowledge, and industry certifications necessary to be successful in these industries.
Media Release: Flagler Technical College