The last year the Department of Education released grades was following the 2018-19 school year, in which the district earned an “A.” The unwavering efforts by our school leaders and teachers to support students and families during the past 2 years have been remarkable. Flagler Schools earned a “B” grade from the State Department of Education for the 2021-22 school year. We have areas of celebration and areas to build upon as we prepare for the upcoming school year.
“I am proud of the effort put forth by our school-based administrators, teachers, staff, students, and parents during this past school year. We will take the next few weeks to take a deep dive into the numbers,” says Flagler Schools Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt. “We recognize there are areas for targeted improvements, but I know our teachers, students, and school administrators are already preparing to address this in the upcoming school year.”
A few of the highlights are: students earning a learning gain in English/Language Arts went up 3 points. We saw a 14-point increase in students earning a learning gain in mathematics. For those students who were in the lower quartile of performance and who still made a learning gain, they increased their ELA and Math scores by 3 and 11 percent respectively. Finally, students performing on-grade level in science went up 4 percentage points.
Overall, three schools earned an “A,” two earned a “B”, and four received a “C.” iFlagler, the district’s virtual school, was not given a grade. Imagine School at Town Center, the charter school in Flagler County earned a “B.”
Superintendent Mittelstadt adds, “We now have the scores and can really address those targeted areas that need acceleration to ensure every student in Flagler Schools receives a quality education.”
For additional information, including individual school scores, click here to go to the FLDOE site.