PALM COAST, Fla. – Flagler Palm Coast Kiwanis had a special guest at their meeting on February 28th, when we were visited by the Florida Kiwanis Governor, Prairy Riehl. She recognized members Polly Conkling and Frank Consentino, for their success in recruiting new members to Kiwanis.
In addition, as a surprise to Frank, he was given a Kiwanis Life Membership by the Club.

The meeting also recognized Students of the Month from Flagler Palm Coast High School and Matanzas High School for the months of November through February. These students were chosen by their schools, and received a stipend and certificate from the Kiwanis. We then heard from these outstanding students about their academic and volunteer achievements, plus education and career plans.
Students of the Month
Flagler Palm Coast High School:
November-Ava Lombardo
December-Chloe Long
January-Brendan Wang
February-Jack Gilvary
Matanzas High School:
November-Stanley Gatzek
December-Maya Kulesza
January-Rilee Whitmore
February-Jeremiah Donoso

Information provided courtesy of the Flagler Palm Coast Kiwanis Club, Ann Babcock. Photos by Dr. Maria Barbosa.