The proposal deadline has been extended and proposals are now due by the close of business on Monday, July 15, 2024.

Since taking office in 2019, Governor Ron DeSantis has secured record funding for our state’s environment, including grant programs that serve our communities and protect our natural systems. To implement this unprecedented investment, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) launched an online grant portal to provide eligible entities, typically including local governments, higher education and nonprofit organizations, the opportunity to submit proposals that bolster existing efforts to protect and restore Florida’s water resources.

DEP is now accepting project proposals for water-related grant programs for Fiscal Year 2024-25 through July 15, 2024. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals for all grant programs for which they may be eligible.

Grant opportunities include:

  • Water Quality Implementation Grants, which help communities address wastewater (including septic-to-sewer conversions), stormwater, agricultural and other projects to reduce nutrients in our waterbodies. Grants include the Water Quality Improvement Grant, the Indian River Lagoon Water Quality Improvement Grant, the Biscayne Bay Water Quality Improvement Grant and the Caloosahatchee Water Quality Improvement Grant.
  • Alternative Water Supply Grants, which help communities plan for and implement water conservation, reuse and other water supply and water resource development projects. Priority funding will be given to regional projects in the areas of greatest need and for projects that provide the greatest benefit.
  • Springs Restoration Grants, which can be used for land acquisition to protect springs and for capital projects that protect the quality and quantity of water that flows from springs. Eligible project types include agricultural best management practices, water conservation, hydrologic restoration, reuse, land acquisition, septic-to-sewer, wastewater treatment upgrades and stormwater treatment.
  • Wetlands Restoration and Protection Grants, which help restore and protect wetlands. Priority will be given to projects that benefit fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, water storage, water conservation or flood attenuation, and to projects with at least $200,000 of non-state funds in match funding.
  • Innovative Technology for Harmful Algal Bloom Grants, which are for projects that evaluate and implement innovative technologies and short-term solutions to combat harmful algal blooms and nutrient enrichment, restore and preserve Florida’s fresh waterbodies, or implement certain water quality treatment technologies.
  • Local Government Water Supply Pilot Grants, which are for water supply infrastructure (including distribution and transmission facilities) in the Northwest Florida Regional Water Supply Planning Regions I or II. To be eligible, the project must be located within Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa or Walton Counties.
  • Nonpoint Source Management Grants, which support shovel-ready stormwater treatment projects that reduce or eliminate nonpoint source nutrient pollution in verified impaired waterbodies. Funding is also available for projects that implement nonpoint source pollution best management practices, public education programs to prevent pollution and septic abandonment/connection to sewer on private property.
  • Florida’s Coral Reef Restoration and Recovery Initiative Grants, which help establish, expand and maintain in-state propagation and grow-out facilities; develop and implement strategies and site-specific restoration plans including curriculum for a trained workforce; and reinforce and expand restoration efforts across Florida’s Coral Reef.

To submit a proposal or view a list of past grant awardees, please visit

Please note, any information submitted to DEP will become a public record, subject to disclosure in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and Article 1, § 24 of the Florida Constitution. Submittal of a project proposal does not create an agreement, nor does it guarantee funding. All awards are contingent upon legislative appropriations. 

Media Release: FLDEP