Employers and employees excel together when there is an alignment between organizational objectives and individual interests.  Employees see they win when the company is winning.  We win together.  How does this happen?

First identify and recruit the talented individuals of integrity needed for your organization to succeed in its mission, goals, and objectives.  When you are recruiting, hiring, and onboarding them, ask them why they want to join your organization and what they seek to experience during their careers (Abrashoff, 2002).  Make sure your organization can offer those opportunities.

Employees will define a successful career differently.  They may value security, promotions, pay, benefits, culture, teamwork, or the opportunity to learn, grow, and work in different areas of the company.  They may like to tackle new challenges and enjoy innovation.  It may be a single or multiple factors which motivate each employee.  Identify the career path they seek and work with them to create and achieve it.

If employers ignore the professional goals of gifted contributors, they will lose them to a company who will help them attain their career objectives.  Be pro-active in conducting the conversation, producing a specific career plan with them, and effectively implementing it with each employee.  If employers capitalize on listening and learning from those they want to hire and retain providing a win-win scenario for employees, morale, productivity, retention, and performance will be optimal.

Supervisors need to regularly discuss with members of the team their progress on their individual career paths.  Supervisors need to remove obstacles, provide resources and tools, create opportunities, and supply support so those they lead have the careers they want.  In return, the employee needs to consistently deliver top performance worthy of continued investment.

There is complete consensus across all available research that this talent model works best (Welch, Collins, Maxwell, Lencioni, Abrashoff).  They will care most about the company when you care a lot about their careers.  In addition, care for them as people too (Wanchick).  They will have major life events such as the death of a parent and your empathy and support will not be forgotten.

Talent rules the knowledge economy of the 21st century.  Recruitment and retention are serious challenges in all three sectors.  Pay no attention to their careers and they will be gone.  Make them want to stay by growing their career with them.  If you want to attract and keep top talent, leaders have to show they truly care about the careers of each and every member of their team.


From the Teacher: Leadership Lessons with Dr. Saviak is a weekly column with the esteemed Joseph C. Saviak, Ph.D., J.D., M.A., M.S., Management Consulting & Leadership Training