City Council Business Meeting on Tuesday, April 4 at 6 p.m.
Topics include proclamations for Autism Acceptance Month, Water Conservation Month, Community Volunteer Month, Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and National Public Safety Telecommunications Week, as well as an ordinance to voluntarily annex real property into the City of Palm Coast municipal boundaries.
Palm Coast – The Palm Coast City Council meets regularly to discuss and vote on official City business. These meetings are open to the public and Palm Coast residents are strongly encouraged to attend. An increase in public engagement helps to build a stronger sense of community, increases valuable discussions, and decreases division.
The following items will be presented as proclamations:
1. City Council will present a proclamation to declare April 2023 as Autism Acceptance Month to raise public awareness of autism, as well as to increase knowledge of the programs available to support individuals with autism and their families.
2. City Council will present a proclamation to declare April 2023 as Child Abuse Prevention Month to promote the importance of every child having a right to a safe, healthy, and happy childhood where they are educationally and developmentally on track.
3. City Council will present a proclamation to declare April 2023 as Water Conservation Month and The City of Palm Coast to take part in the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation calling upon citizens and businesses to help protect our precious resource by practicing water-saving measures and becoming more aware of the need to save water.
4. City Council will present a proclamation to declare April 2023 as Community Volunteer Month to encourage residents to acknowledge the positive impact volunteers achieve in our community as they dedicate themselves tirelessly and selflessly to make Palm Coast a loving place in which to live, work and play.
5. City Council will present a proclamation to declare April 2023 as Distracted Driving Awareness Month to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving with the hope of reducing traffic fatalities and injuries in Palm Coast and throughout the country.
6. City Council will present a proclamation to establish the week of April 9, 2023 as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in honor of the men and women who serve as the first and most critical contact our citizens have with emergency services and whose diligence and professionalism keep our city and citizens safe.
The following minutes of the City Council will be presented for approval:
7. March 21, 2023, Business Meeting and March 28, 2023, Special Budget Workshop
The following ordinance will be presented for approval:
8. The Community Development Department will present an ordinance addressing the petition filed by Property Owner, Geosam Capital Florida (US) LLC for the voluntary annexation of an approximately 62.1 acre parcel generally located on the east side of Old Kings Road approximately 2.5 miles south of state road 100. Based on a review of the petition, the subject area is contiguous on its northern property line to the City of Palm Coast municipal boundary, the property is reasonably compact, and annexation of the property does not create an enclave.
The following resolutions will be presented for approval:
9. City Council will present a resolution to approve the City Council meeting invocation policy. On January 31, 2023, City Council held a Special Workshop to review Council’s Policies and Procedures. City Council requested the City Attorney provide a draft of an Invocation Policy for Council Meetings. During the City Council Workshop Meeting held on March 14, 2023, City Council held a lengthy discussion on this item. Changes have been made to the Invocation Policy and Resolution, and both are attached to this item.
10. A resolution approving the additional expenses related to the Belle Terre pathway/bridge rehabilitation project. This project had a few setbacks which resulted in additions to the scope of work and schedule delays including two hurricanes, a delay by Florida Power & Light, a failing headwall, stormwater pipes needing additional stabilizing, and structural failure. On February 7, 2023, Council approved additional funds in a not-to-exceed amount of $1,136,242.47 to cover the additional expenses related to the structural failure and stabilization which included Change Orders (CO) 4 and 5. This item is to request an additional contingency of $100,000 to cover CO – 5.
11. A resolution approving the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Local Agency Program (LAP) agreement for construction of Whiteview Parkway safety improvements. The proposed project is for the reconstruction and resurfacing of Whiteview Parkway to continue to enhance safety improvements at intersections along the roadways to improve safety for both motorists and nonmotorists, as well as improve traffic operations along the entire corridor.
12. A resolution approving the Whiteview multi-family apartments master site plan application no. 5216. The applicant has submitted Application No. 5216 for a Master Site Plan – Tier 3 for Whiteview Multi-Family Apartments, a proposed 316-unit, two and three-story residential community located on the west side of White Mill Drive, between Whiteview Parkway and Pine Lakes Parkway.
The following consent items will be presented together for approval:
13. A resolution approving the purchase of three ES-354 screw presses for sludge dewatering at Wastewater Treatment Plant 1.
14. A resolution approving utilization of capital improvement funding with Engineered Spray Solutions, Inc., for gravity pipe and manhole structural lining rehabilitation on an as-needed basis.
15. A resolution approving piggybacking the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) approved products list (APL) DOT-ITB-23-9037-SJ contract with Temple, Inc., for the purchase of traffic equipment.
Public Comments will be opened at the beginning and end of the business meeting in accordance with Section 286.0114 Florida Statutes and pursuant to the City Council’s Meeting Policies and Procedures. Each speaker will approach the podium, provide his/her name, and may speak for up to 3 minutes.
Meetings of the Palm Coast City Council typically occur three times per month. A 6 p.m. business meeting on the first Tuesday of the month, a 9 a.m. workshop meeting on the second Tuesday of the month, and a 9 a.m. business meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. All meetings occur in the Community Wing at City Hall at 160 Lake Avenue in Palm Coast.
Business meetings and workshops are open to the public and are streamed live on the City’s YouTube channel. Meeting agendas for all public meetings are posted in advance of each meeting on the City’s website. All agendas can be viewed here.
If you wish to obtain more information regarding the City Council’s agenda, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 386-986-3713. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 386-986-3713, at least 48 hours before the meeting.
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