The Volusia-Flagler TPO recently announced that the TPO, in partnership with Volusia and Flagler Counties as joint applicants, was a recipient of a federal SS4A grant of $320,000 to develop a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) which will identify projects, programs, and implementable strategies aimed at eliminating fatalities and serious injuries for all modes of travel on our roadways.

The TPO has begun work with its consultant VHB, Inc., to develop a Vision Zero Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) through a collaborative effort which will include a robust community outreach campaign engaging the public and community stakeholders throughout the process to collect diverse input and ensure equitable representation across the two-county region.

Currently, a Vision Zero CSAP Task Force Working Group is being assembled which includes local law enforcement partners, local businesses, community leaders, FDOT, city and county staff, and TPO advisory committee members, among others. Three community workshops are currently being planned to educate and request public feedback on maps that reflect the results of the safety analysis; dates will be announced in the coming days.

Once complete in June 2025, the CSAP will provide a detailed and collaborative assessment of transportation safety issues in Volusia and Flagler Counties and identify feasible safety improvements for targeted risk areas on the roadway network.

“While we continue to make our roads safer through education, project prioritization, and programming, we must take further action and work collectively with our member governments, agency partners, community stakeholders, and the public to develop an inclusive safe system approach to roadway safety,” said Ms. Colleen Nicoulin, Volusia-Flagler TPO Executive Director. “This grant provides the TPO with the opportunity to take the next step by developing a Vision Zero Action Plan for our communities that will serve as a roadmap in leading us to an ultimate vision of zero fatalities and serious injuries on our transportation system.”

Information and updates on the CSAP are available at

For more information, contact Pamela Blankenship at 386-226-0422 ext. 20416 or email at