Saturday Morning: 10 AM
The Palm Coast Historical Society is set to host Robert Stone at the Palm Coast Community Center at 10 a.m. for the free program:
“5 Generations Of Cattle Ranching In Florida”

Florida Cattle Ranching: Five Centuries of Tradition, exploring and celebrating the history and culture of the nation’s oldest cattle ranching state. Few realize that cattle first came to the United States through Florida, introduced by Juan Ponce de Leon in 1521. See and hear all aspects of Florida cattle ranching traditions, including Cracker cow-whips and unique ranch gate designs, swamp cabbage and other food ways, cowboy church and Cracker cowboy funerals, Seminole ranching past and present, occupational skills such as roping and branding, the vibrant rodeo culture, side-splitting cowboy poetry, feisty cow-dogs, and much more.

Saturday Afternoon: From 1-3 PM
Do you have gardening questions? Have you just moved to the area and need advice on what to plant? Or have you been here for a while and need some help with plant selection?
Join members of The Garden Club at Palm Coast on June 19 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm at the Palm Coast Historical Society Museum to get some suggestions.
This event is in conjunction with the Club’s exhibit highlighting its history since 1975. The Garden Club at Palm Coast was one of the first organizations formed in the city. The exhibit will continue at the museum through August.
The museum is located at 18 Florida Park Drive in James Holland Memorial Park. Museum hours: Wednesday & Saturday 1:00-3:00pm.There will be handouts on butterfly plants, drought and salt tolerant plants, natives and much more. Come and see what the garden club is all about! For more information: