City Council Workshop and Business Meetings on Tuesday, December 13 at 9 a.m.
Topics include a Comprehensive Master Plan Study for Parks & Recreation, Palm Harbor Golf Club Concession Lease Agreement, and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.
Palm Coast – The Palm Coast City Council meets regularly to discuss and vote on official City business. These meetings are open to the public and Palm Coast residents are strongly encouraged to attend. An increase in public engagement helps to build a stronger sense of community, increases valuable discussions, and decreases division.
A City Council Workshop Meeting begins at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, December 13, 2022. No action will be taken during the workshop. Details of the items on the agenda are listed below.
- The Parks & Recreation Department will present a resolution approving a Master Services Agreement with BerryDunn for the development of a comprehensive Parks & Recreation Master Plan. This item was adopted by City Council in the 2023 Strategic Action Plan, as a priority (C2) to identify local recreation demands to balance the need for regional activity centers. City staff advertised in accordance with City’s purchasing policy, and after receiving two responses, staff selected BerryDunn to conduct the study. The cost share of the study is $100,000 for the City of Palm Coast and $100,000 for Flagler County.
- The Parks & Recreation Department will present a resolution approving a concession lease agreement with Loopers at the Palm Harbor Golf Club for food and beverage concessions at the Palm Harbor Golf Course. This Concession Lease Agreement is for 5 years with three (3) 5-year extensions available.
The rent starts at $17,982 annually, equivalent to $9.00 per square foot, and increases by 3% annually.
- The Community Development Department will present a resolution approving the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for the fiscal year 2021/22 consolidated annual performance and evaluation report.
Public Comments will be opened at the beginning and end of the business meeting in accordance with Section 286.0114 Florida Statutes and pursuant to the City Council’s Meeting Policies and Procedures. Each speaker will approach the podium, provide his/her name, and may speak for up to 3 minutes.
A City Council Business Meeting will take place immediately following the workshop meeting. Details of the items on the agenda are listed below.
- The Parks & Recreation Department will present a resolution approving a Master services agreement with BerryDunn for the development of a comprehensive Parks & Recreation Master Plan. This item was discussed in greater detail above.
- The Parks & Recreation Department will present a resolution approving a concession lease agreement with Loopers at the Palm Harbor Golf Club for food and beverage concessions at the Palm Harbor Golf Course. This item was discussed in greater detail above.
The following items will be presented as consent items for approval:
- A resolution approving the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for the fiscal year 2021/22 consolidated annual performance and evaluation report. The Citizens Advisory Task Force met on December 7, 2022, and recommended City Council approve the CAPER for 2021-2022.
- A resolution approving a work order with McKim & Creed for design and construction engineering services for the new sludge thickener at Water Treatment Plant No. 2. City staff has concluded the cost for the services is reasonable and fair, and consistent with these types of services for a project of this size and scope. This project is in the utility 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan, and the construction is budgeted for the Fiscal Year 2023.
- A resolution approving a work order with Connect Consulting for the design, permitting, drilling, construction, and testing of three public water supply wells for Water Treatment Plant No. 1. Under the existing contract with CCI, Inc. (RFQ-CD-19-12), staff negotiated a scope and fee not-to-exceed of $735,000.00. This project is in the Utility 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan, and the construction is budgeted for Fiscal Year 2023.
Public Comments will be opened at the beginning and end of the business meeting in accordance with Section 286.0114 Florida Statutes and pursuant to the City Council’s Meeting Policies and Procedures. Each speaker will approach the podium, provide his/her name, and may speak for up to 3 minutes.
The previously scheduled City Council Business Meetings on December 20, 2022 and January 3, 2023 have been canceled. The next City Council Meeting will take place on January 10, 2023, at 9 a.m. and is a workshop.
Meetings of the Palm Coast City Council typically occur three times per month. A 6 p.m. business meeting on the first Tuesday of the month, a 9 a.m. workshop meeting on the second Tuesday of the month, and a 9 a.m. business meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. All meetings take place in the Community Wing at City Hall at 160 Lake Avenue in Palm Coast.
Business meetings and workshops are open to the public and are streamed live on the City’s YouTube channel. Meeting agendas for all public meetings are posted in advance of each meeting on the City’s website. All agendas can be viewed here.
If you wish to obtain more information regarding the City Council’s agenda, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 386-986-3713. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 386-986-3713, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
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