Tallahassee, FL – The Florida Division of Historical Resources is soliciting public input for Florida’s 2022-2026 Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan at flheritage.com/comp-plan. The survey will be live until 12:00 p.m. EST on August 16, 2021.
Every five years, the Division of Historical Resources revises the Florida Statewide Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan, as required for Florida to remain a participant in the federal historic preservation program and to receive federal historic preservation funds. To be effective, the new plan must represent a broad base of public and professional input. Survey results will provide guidance and serve as the foundation for revising the plan. The U.S. National Park Service requires each state that participates in the federal historic preservation program to periodically update its comprehensive plan for historic preservation with input from citizens throughout the state. Florida’s current plan (2017-2021) discusses the state’s history, historical and cultural resources, and goals, objectives and strategies for all Floridians to participate in preserving the state’s heritage.
Preserving Florida’s Heritage, 2017-2021 can be viewed here. The 23-page full-color plan is available upon request from the Division of Historical Resources at flheritage@dos.myflorida.com.