PALM COAST, Fla. – Flocking to Central Park, children in everything from their Sunday finest to their Saturday play clothes enjoyed a morning out to just be kids as spring made it’s way to Palm Coast.
Getting into the holiday spirit early, the City of Palm Coast hosted their annual Egg’Stravaganza on Saturday to the delight of families across the community, and families were happy to take part in the free Easter-themed activities offered up by faith-based organizations, Flagler Schools, and area businesses.
For Community Engagement Specialist Angela Dawson, it’s another way for Flagler Schools to connect with parents and families in a relaxed setting outside of the classroom.
“A lot of newcomers to the area and this is often an event that attracts people who just got here,” she said.
“We are very community-focused and we want people to be aware of us and feel were approachable,” Dawson added. “The Superintendent was here playing games with kids for a couple of hours, and she really enjoyed it. This is the part that she really loves, engaging with everybody.”
Acting city manager Lauren Johnston took time to spend the morning with her little ones, while soaking in the seasonal experience she has been fortunate enough to watch grow over the years.
“It is awesome. To be able to bring my own family here, go find some Easter eggs, and be able to participate with all the organizations here, it’s just what community truly means,” she said.
Palm Coast Now contributed to this report.