During your career, you will see this at least one time. A Board of Directors appoints a new CEO from outside the organization. He or she may start with little or no real support in the organization.
The successful leader will win hearts and minds over time by doing all the things we know will work. Their integrity is clear and character is consistent. They prove worthy of your trust and loyalty. He or she will listen, learn, and ensure an environment where employees can be at their best and customers receive the best.
He or she will focus on mission, leadership, team, culture, and aligning operations around optimal outcomes. They are as Jim Collins would say, “Humble but ambitious for the mission and others.”
People will trust this leader and trust each other. Morale will grow. These leaders put everything they have into the success of the mission and team and never themselves. Successes will follow creating positive momentum. When the whole team wins an award, they’re in the group picture but off to the side while the other type of leader has portraits of himself in your offices.
Over time, the team will strongly embrace this leader. These leaders need not be charismatic but they are trusted. Working on a trusted team for good leadership in a healthy culture with an inspiring mission encourages people to be their best.
The unsuccessful leader can’t or won’t make that effort. He or she will assume they have the title and they have the Board so that’s all that matters. Employees can see the big electronic billboard over their head which reads, “I’m only here for me.” He or she is a Level One Leader – people only respond because they have to not because they want to do so. At best, he or she will only produce Level One success – the lights stay on but few if any real achievements. More likely, the organization will decline. If the company has major problems or is hit with a crisis, it will really fail.
They will faithfully follow the checklist for failed leaders. Under their leadership, morale, productivity, and innovation will decrease. Talent will only flow one way. The culture won’t be positive and it won’t be fun to be at work. People back into their parking spaces and there’s no unused sick leave. These leaders can direct or order but they can never inspire.
You have the job but do you have the hearts and minds of those you lead? No one truly follows titles. We follow character. The right vision, mission, team, culture, and operation keeps talented individuals of integrity on the job. This only happens with good leadership.