October 12, 2022 – Flagler County and the City of Palm Coast this year are hosting a blended Veteran’s Day Ceremony at 10 a.m. Friday, November 11, at Central Park to honor the men and women who bravely serve in the country’s military.
“We wanted to get the word out early because of the venue change,” said Veterans Services Officer David Lydon. “There are a lot of people who are conditioned to come to the Government Services Building because that’s where the ceremony has been held for so many years. We don’t want anyone to miss the ceremony.”
In many respects, the ceremony will be the same as in years past. There will be patriotic music, presentation of colors by the Junior ROTC, the National Anthem complete with a FireFlight flyover, and the Veteran of the Year announcement.
“Our guest speaker is Joseph Pepin, Commander of American Legion Post 115,” Lydon said. “This year we will also be recognizing Chief (FireFlight) Pilot Dana Morris for his years of service, as he is about to retire.”
The Veterans Day ceremony is sponsored by the Flagler County Commission and the Flagler County Veterans Advisory Council. The picnic lunch, provided by Palm Coast, is held afterward for veterans and their families. Reservations are requested and can be made by calling 386-986-2323 or in person at the Palm Coast Community Center.
Central Park in Town Center is located at 975 Central Avenue, Palm Coast.