December precipitation figures are running above normal for the county at most reporting locations. This is due to a few storm systems giving heavy rainfall over the past two months.
Normal Precipitation for our region December is 2.63” and normal year to date (YTD) rainfall is 51.19” However looking at unofficial records since 1995, the average yearly amount for Bunnell since the year 1995 has been 49.73” and our average in Flagler Beach since the year 2000 has been 45.51”.
Rainfall reports for December 2021:
Bunnell, Flagler EOC: 4.08” YTD: 49.67”
Palm Coast: 5.31” YTD: 57.49”
N. Palm Coast: 5.58” YTD: 57.43”
NW Palm Coast: 5.00” YTD: 61.90”
West Cent Palm Coast: 4.18” YTD: 54.58”
SW Palm Coast: 4.67” YTD: 59.05”
Eagle Rock: 4.13” YTD: 50.28”
Flagler Beach: 3.57” YTD: 44.4
S. Flagler Beach: 3.70” YTD: 51.26”
The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) is indicating that all Flagler County rated as no drought condition and no drought development is expected.
ENSO – The CPC indicates that La Niña Advisory continues for La Niña conditions are likely through the winter with a chance of conditions going natural by spring or summer.
The National Weather Service (NWS) reporting station in Daytona Beach maintains the official records for the region and is utilized in reference and reporting for the Flagler County area.
Other Flagler County Notable Weather for 2021: Overall not that eventful
– 4/17/2021 – A series of severe storms produced hail up to Ping-Pong ball size, some localized wind damage and widespread heavy rainfall Bulowville, west of south Flagler Beach.
– 4/25/2021 – An EF 0 tornado spun up lasted about 45 seconds and dissipated. Some outside furnishings were damaged and a clear funnel cloud was observed by the public.
– – 6/13/2021 – A severe thunderstorm produced quarter sized hail, some wind damage and even triggered a tornado warning (none occurred) in south Palm Coast and Bunnell
– 7/6/2021 – TC Elsa affected our weather with a few squalls but overall no impacts to the area.
– 7/20/2021 – Severe thunderstorms produced localized wind damage and three waterspouts occurring at the same time off shore the Hammock.
– 11/5-6/2021 – Strong nor’easter brings gales to eastern Flagler County as well as heavy rainfall, tidal flooding and damage to beaches and dune system.
– 12/21-22/2021 – A gulf storm system brought several inches of rainfall to the county.
Flagler County recognizes the reporting efforts of the community volunteer storm spotters and whose contributions assist in the collection of area rainfall data – BP
Disclaimer: Weather data in this report is not collected with certified or official equipment nor does it represent official National Weather Service figures. Data is released for informational purposes only and with the understanding that Flagler County is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of this information. Official records may be obtained from the National Weather Service by contacting (800) 499-1594.
Temperature Forecast through January 2021. We have good chances of warmer than normal temps on average for the month. Keep in mind that there will be variations of this day to day.
Information provided courtesy: Bob Pickering, Emergency Management Specialist