PALM COAST, Fla. (November 25, 2022) As Palm Coast residents finished off the last of the Thanksgiving turkey and started the annual trek toward the Christmas holiday, it was the perfect time for the Celtic Angels to grace the stage.
Seats were full on Friday evening at the Flagler Auditorium as patrons gathered to enjoy the lively entertainment. Keeping audiences on their toes, it was fancy footwork dancing the Irish jig that mesmerized Kathy Reichard-Ellavsky and Cornelia Downing Manfre.

“I love Celtic Christmas,” said Manfre. “I really enjoy the dancing. It’s fantastic. Especially the guys. I’m always amazed at how fast they can move those feet.”
Enjoying the perks of her season subscription, Reichard-Ellavsky has dibs on her favorite seats for the season, and appreciates the view.
“This is our second time seeing Celtic Angels and I think they’ve really improved the show,” she said. “They have more variety in the song choices and the dancers are excellent. It’s very festive and we love it.”

The holiday-themed performance offered a near mystical experience as the Celtic Angels took the stage for their first of more than 30 performances across the state of Florida according to Flagler Auditorium director Amelia Fulmer.
“We’re singing all the Christmas carols and four-part harmony, it’s just a beautiful, beautiful evening,” she said.
An avid vocalist herself, Fulmer took time to enjoy the holiday spirit of the show in between greeting patrons and talking about the upcoming season.

“We have some balcony seats left but we’re close to 800 people here tonight,” she said. “It’s just wonderful to see people enjoying traditional Christmas music, with such lovely voices.”
Excitement has been building for the dynamic 2022-23 season and the ‘One Night of Queen’ show on November 30 has less than 50 seats available including several pairs of balcony seats and a few single seats on the main floor.
“If you’re single come hang out, we have some great seats for you,” she said.
Helping greet guests this season at the Flagler Auditorium, performers Linda Corrigan and Diana Lemon said they love being part of the entertainment, especially this season.
“I really loved the Irish dancing. It was fantastic and what I really wanted to see,” said Lemon. “The girls singing was great, the band, the violinist, it was a great show.”

“Beautiful costumes, great dancing, great singing. The costumes were phenomenal,” shared Corrigan. “It was a beautiful show to start off the Christmas holiday.”
For more information on the Flagler Auditorium 2022-23 Season, visit