Have You Made Plans for the Future?
Businesses in Flagler County are making easier by offering a free business expo and planning seminar on August 11th at the Palm Coast Community Center, starting at 11 AM.
Speakers Include:
Nina Guiglotto a Family Service Counselor from Lohman Funeral Home in Palm Coast, will be on hand to discuss the benefits of planning in advance for your cremation, funeral or cemetery services.
“Planning ahead helps you lock in rates against inflation, helps relieve your loved ones from having the emotional burden of making decisions at the time of need, and guessing to decide if it is what you would have wanted,” said Guiglotto. “Advanced planning is a final gift to show your family you really love them. What percentage of people will live forever? Zero. Everyone on this earth will one day have a funeral home pick them up for one last ride. With the uncertain times we are living in with threats of COVID and sudden accidents it is best to all be prepared and protect the ones you love the most with the most protection.”
Diane Vidal, Attorney at Law from Chiumento Law firm will explain the probate process. How to nominate the right person to serve as your personal representative. What to do when you’ve been nominated to serve as a personal representative for a loved one.
Alberto Crespo from the O’Quinn Insurance agency. Planning strategies designed to minimize final debt and income taxes. Staying focused on honoring and grieving.
Following the seminar, refreshments will be provided. Attendees are invited to chat with 35 business expo participants, each with a raffle item to give away.
“The entire event is free and people will obtain lots of education on these subjects,” said Guiglotto.