Palm Coast – The City of Palm Coast’s Leadership in Training Experience (LITE) team graduated at the June 7, 2022, Palm Coast City Council Business Meeting. City Manager Denise Bevan presented each team member with a certificate and commemorative plaque. This year’s graduates include:
- Haleigh Hand, Customer Service
- Parren Flanagan, Stormwater & Engineering
- James T. Parker, Public Works
- Marvin Calderon, Public Works
The LITE (Leadership in Training Experience) Program was created in 2012 to address the City’s needs for executive leadership and to develop additional capacity within the City. This program is intended to provide staff with the opportunity to work directly with the City Manager, and other members of the executive team, in order to provide growth opportunities for employees. The program seeks employees interested in developing leadership skills and tackling new challenges.
The program runs for up to 12 months during which time the program participants are given special project(s) to complete together as a team. This year’s project was to analyze and assess the current employee evaluation program that the City uses for new and established employees. The LITE team was able to enhance the current program by increasing the frequency of face-to-face interactions between supervisors and employees, as well as improving the questions assessed during the evaluations.
“When I think about leadership, I think about team building, mentoring, and strategic planning. All of these skills are deeply incorporated in the LITE Program at the City of Palm Coast,” City Manager Denise Bevan said. “I cannot say enough positive things about this program and the employees who have chosen to take on the extra responsibility of participating in something beyond the scope of their day to day tasks. Each one of these team members has taken this program seriously and put their heart and soul into doing the best job possible for their fellow employees.”
This mentorship program provides staff development and dually brings an overall benefit to the organization. Many previous program participants have gone on to fulfill top leadership positions within the City of Palm Coast, including City Manager Denise Bevan and Fire Chief Jerry Forte.
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Media Release: City of Palm Coast, Brittany N. Kershaw