On Saturday, February 4th, 2023, at 2:30 PM, American Post 115 will host in coordination with many other local Veterans Organizations a Memorial Service dedicated to the Four Chaplains. This service is open to the public and all are invited.
Location: VFW Post 8696, 47 N Old Kings Road, Palm Coast FL. 32137
At 12:30AM on February 3, 1943, the USAT Dorchester was tragically torpedoed and sunk off Greenland in the North Atlantic. Of the 902 young military men on board only 230 survived.
Many of the survivors owed their lives to the courage and leadership exhibited by the heroic
Four Chaplains, who in sacrificing their lives created a unique legacy of brotherhood. The Four Chaplains inspired many by giving up their own lifejackets to others and in doing so gave up their only means of survival. They were last seen on the deck of the sinking ship, with their arms linked together, and their heads bowed in prayer. Each Chaplain received the Purple Heart and the Distinguished Service Cross Posthumously. You may view more information at, www.fourchaplains.org and www.immortalchaplains.org websites.
The Service is conducted in honor and memory of:
Chaplain George L. Fox, Methodist Minister
Chaplain Alexander D. Goode, Rabbi for the Jewish Faith
Chaplain Clark V. Poling, Dutch Reformed Church
Chaplain John P. Washington, a Catholic Priest
If you would like further information, you can contact Chaplain John Johnson, Post 115, American Legion at 386-503-9933