Promote People When They’re Ready

CEOs ruin careers by promoting people who are clearly not ready. The person gets the job, but they have no respect inside or outside the organization. They lack the proven leadership abilities to succeed.

Problems ensue. Morale falls. Two options are left: let them continue to fail or move them out of that role. All of this could have been avoided. No one is ever fooled. It’s impossible to hide a bad promotion.

Too much too soon hurts everyone.

Promoting is easy. Doing the job is much harder. Take time to ensure everyone you promote is fully prepared. Set them up for success. Ready to lead on day one.


From the Teacher: Leadership Lessons with Dr. Saviak is a weekly column with the esteemed Joseph C. Saviak, Ph.D., J.D., M.A., M.S., Management Consulting & Leadership Training

Featured Image: Time Management Ninja