An important hiring decision

How good are you at hiring your employer?   It’s amazing how many executives, managers, and professionals pick employers who really aren’t the right match for them.

Assuming you chose the career and professional path that’s best for you, hiring your employer is next.

Understand yourself to best answer this question.  Each of us needs to make a checklist to hire our employer.   The wrong decision here never leads to the right result which is a successful and rewarding career as you define it.

For example, here’s a potential checklist (assuming these are important to you):

Do I believe in their mission, goals, and objectives?

Do we share and live the same values?  Do I fit their work culture?  Is my personality a good fit for the personality of the organization?

Who is their leadership and what are they really like?

Will I learn and grow?   Can and will they teach me?

Some like starting, growing, building, rebuilding, transforming, or optimizing organizations. Some prefer everything already built.  What’s their organizational situation?

Will my ideas and work be valued?

Will I be able to make decisions?

Do they value outcomes or do they worship process?

Do they embrace change or do they love the status quo?

Will I be rewarded for my contributions?

Would I enjoy and be proud to serve on this team?

Will I get to work with a team who brings out the best in me?

Would I enjoy and be proud serving their customers?

What are the long-term prospects for this organization?

Research employers.  This is an important relationship so take your time.  You should know before you even apply.  If the selection process contradicts what you want, discontinue it. Don’t accept the wrong employer.  If you can’t find the right employer, then consider hiring yourself!

You spend too much time there to get this wrong and we can’t get more time.  This is an important relationship and a major part of life.   You want to get this right.

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