Flagler Beach, FL – As with other titles presented by Flagler County author Tim Baker, there’s a connection somewhere between the places and characters in his books and real life.
He’ll swear he told you.
Onlookers with a keen eye watching the filming of the promos for Baker’s upcoming TV series “Unfinished Business” got a chance to meet not only the story’s leading lady Meg Seabury, played by Hollywood actress Margot Demeter, but the REAL Meg Seabury.

Modest and even a little shy, Seabury chatted unobtrusively with a friend at the bar as an extra during the filming at Coquina Coast Brewing Company, INC.

in Flagler Beach on Saturday, but Demeter was quick to point out the main character’s inspiration.

“I guess I’m the inspiration. It’s so exciting,” said the real Meg Seabury, sharing a little backstory.
“I’ve known Tim for years. When he first wrote the book he and I sat down and he got a little bit of background about what I do and some of the terminology. I said ‘why don’t you just use my name because Seabury is kind of a unique name for a mortician’, she said with a knowing look.
And while her time at the table hasn’t been as adventurous as the main character’s, she’s had her share of paranormal experiences.
“Not like you read in the book, but I can say I’ve felt maybe a spirit or two.”
Even though the project has nabbed some big names including Alan J. Levi as the show’s director, keeping the project truly local along Florida’s east coast is something Demeter, who lives a stone’s throw away in New Smyrna Beach, finds refreshing.
“It’s great to have something with such depth, and great cast and crew, here in Flagler,” she said.
After Baker reached out a year ago about playing the role, Demeter read the book and felt a kinship with the character.
“When I read it I felt like I had a connection with her,” she said in between takes on Saturday.
“She kind of grows up like a black duckling, on her own, with her own unique way of thinking about things but she remains positive. (She’s) kind of like this force of nature, and I kind of see myself that way. I wake up every day thinking how can I be a good person today.”
Coming on as co-executive producer, Greg Feldman brings an arts and culture background to the table and says he loves being part of something that will bring attention to the community while helping to support the local economy.
“This is exciting for the whole community because depending on which study you look at, filmmaking returns such an incredible amount of money to the community,” he said.
“Studies have shown that 25 percent of all people who come to Florida go to a specific location because they saw it in a TV show or movie. There’s no way you could spend enough money to have the exposure like this in a TV show or movie.”
Filming of the show is slated for late spring/early summer 2021, and sponsorship opportunities are available.
Visit www.blindoggproductions.com for details.