PALM COAST, FLA. – It’s been a month since Boo Boo was last seen on Buttonworth Drive in Palm Coast, running in a garage on November 18, 2023.

“I’m sure he thought was our garage,” said Boo Boo’s Mommy Grace Fitzgerald. “And from there we don’t know where he went.”

Beside herself with worry, she’s recruited the neighborhood, the community, the animal rescues and shelters, to help find her missing 2-year-old.

Grace says Boo Boo loves his treats and is particular about his meals.

“He loves his treats. We call them knacky knacks. He’s a very picky eater. There’s times where I would have to hand feed him,” she said. “He always thinks he’s getting something different every day.”

Prone to chewing as young dog can be, “he loves to chew on little bones that are made of a tough rubber because otherwise he would chew them up,” shared Grace.

Afraid of the water and skittish with people, Grace says his world has been their home, and lanai.

“He’s not too sure of other people because he hasn’t really been outside except in the yard and our lanai,” she said.

She’s urging neighbors and residents to be on the lookout for the little guy providing a description and photos.

“He is 2 years old, between 22 to 24 lbs. He has short little legs. His feet are speckled, he is microchipped. He is brownish/reddish and white.”

“He is a Velcro dog, very, very Velcro. He’s just an amazing little dog. He was my little companion. We got him 5 months after I had my stroke and he’s always been there for me,” she said.

“He is such a Little Love bug, and I told him how to give kisses. He loves affection. He’s just the best dog ever. He means so much to us. We’ve been crying every day and we have been going up to the humane society looking even though they have a report on him and so does the animal control,” she said.

Addressing concerns that Boo Boo may have been accidentally struck by a vehicle, Grace said the surrounding area has been searched.

“The neighborhood was searched, and a lot of people are looking still to this day which today is 30 days,” she said Monday evening.  “Every time we go out, we look too. I have a hard time because I use a walker.”

She’s hoping someone will see the flyer and give her a call. If you or someone you know has found a missing animal that resembles Boo Boo, please call Grace at 386-270-2278.